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Chinese Medicine

Find out what it means to heal naturally and live wholly.

When you're not sure if you want to invest in natural health, it helps to be able to get more information.


This 15-minute consultation is FREE

and is designed to help with general questions and give information

about the services available.


Call or text today!  (229) 589-1545


Consultations are customized

for each person's needs.

You will never be diagnosed with a disease because of a drug deficiency. But, you may not be well because of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. 


This visit is primarily for RBTI testing. RBTI testing, better known as

Reams Biological Theory of Ionization identifies chemical imbalances in the body. These imbalances are often caused by poor nutrition, stress, vitamin and mineral deficiencies,

and other factors. These

imbalances and deficiencies

can lead to chronic disease.


With these test results, a

personalized health plan can

be set to move you toward healing. You can feel better! 


Because this test requires urine and saliva samples, it is generally done in person. But, if that's not convenient, you can obtain the samples in specimen cups I provide and return them to me within 24 hours. The rest of the consultation can be done by telephone or online.


Call or text today!  (229) 589-1545

This consultation is great for addressing emotions.

Flower essences address emotional issues. Emotions like grief, fear, despair, loneliness, anxiousness, trauma, indecisiveness, etc can be helped with flower essences.


If you're concerned about sharing

private information with someone you don't know, don't worry! I don't have to know details, just the specific emotions you are feeling.


A consultation includes an evaluation and flower essence recommendation. The flower essences blend bottle is FREE with the consultation.


This visit can be done online, by phone, or in person.


Call or text today!  (229) 589-1545

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