Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. This means it needs water to dissolve and be used by our bodies. While some animals produce vitamin C within their bodies, humans do not produce it endogenously (from within). Therefore, we must get it from our food. It is considered an essential dietary compound.
Vitamin C is an important antioxidant because it has been shown to produce other antioxidants. This includes alpha-tocopherol aka vitamin E. Vitamin C has been referred to as ascorbic acid, which is the synthetic version of vitamin C. You are much better off to get your vitamin C in the natural form.
Necessary for the biosynthesis of collagen, an essential component of connective tissue, which plays a vital role in wound healing
Necessary for the biosynthesis of L-carnitine, which comes from an amino acid and transports fatty acids to cells to be used for energy
Necessary for the biosynthesis of certain neurotransmitters
Plays an important role in immune function
Helps with the absorption of nonheme iron found in plant-based foods
Protects against disease and bacteria
Helps with adrenal gland function
Promotes healthy gums
Aids in production of anti-stress hormones
Aids in production of interferon which, when released, causes cells to heighten their viral defenses
Guards against skin infections and wrinkles
Supplementation may help reduce symptoms of asthma
Powerful antioxidant that helps protect against pollution in the body
Taken with vitamin E, promotes higher cognitive abilities in the aging
Foods that provide vitamin C:
Citrus fruits
Green vegetables
Nearly all natural foods contain vitamin C.
Herbs that provide vitamin C
Burdock Root
Camu Camu
Acerola fruit
Aloe Vera
Rose hips
Red Raspberry
Yellow Dock
Signs of deficiency
Lack of energy
Bleeding gums and tooth loss
Achy bones, joints and muscles
Kidney stones
Shortness of breath
Poor digestion
Poor wound healing
In supplementation, Ester C is created by having vitamin C react with a mineral to make it non-acidic. This creates non-acidic vitamin C metabolites that enter the bloodstream four times faster, move into the blood cells more efficiently and stays in the tissue longer than regular forms of vitamin C.
Office of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin C. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2020, from
Mawer, R. (2018, November 6). L-Carnitine - A Review of Benefits, Side Effects and Dosage. Retrieved May 13, 2020, from
Hovis, B. S. (n.d.). Vitamins & Minerals. Retrieved May 11, 2020, from
Interferon. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2020, from