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Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI)

Dr. Carey Reams was a scientist who very much believed in God and honored Him in all that he did. He was educated in biophysics, biochemistry, and mathematics. During a period of prayer and fasting, Dr. Reams discovered what he referred to as the biochemistry numbers for perfect human health. Interestingly enough, the results of using these numbers have never been disputed.

Because the RBTI test analysis is an accurate chemical analysis and not a guess, it often disagrees with diagnosis. According to Black's Law Online Dictionary, diagnosis means

A medical term, meaning the discovery of the source of a patient’s illness or the determination of the nature of his disease from a study of its symptoms. Said to be little more than a guess enlightened by experience. Swan v. Railroad Co.,79 Hun, 012, 29 N. Y. Supp. 337.

Why guess when you can know for sure?

RBTI testing consists of 7 components, sugar (brix), urine pH (resistance), saliva pH (resistance), salts (conductivity), albumin (cell turnover), nitrate nitrogen (liver), and ammonia nitrogen (kidneys).


Sugar represents the potential energy available per pound of body weight. It's measured using urine captured 2 hours after eating. It represents the blood sugar average over the past 24 hours and will show if there's too much sugar or not enough. When the sugar number is between 1 and 2, you are gaining energy.

Dr. Reams found that testing just glucose was unreliable because it changes from moment to moment. Instead, he wanted to test the urine for the varieties of downstream sugars that were a result of the the body's upstream sugar digestive processes. This more accurately shows how the kidneys process simple and complex carbohydrates.

The lower the person's reserve energy, the greater the difference it makes between glucose and total carbohydrate. The urinary sugar will equal the blood sugar average over any 24-hour period.

pH (potential hydrogen)=Urine 6.4 / Saliva 6.4

pH is the measurement of resistance and indicates the speed of digestion and the creation of energy.

The top number, tested with urine, represents the lower digestion. Urine pH provides information on whether or not nutrients are being absorbed in the small intestines, if there's congestion in the large intestines as well as reproductive health.

The bottom number, tested with saliva, represents the upper digestion. It gives us information on carbohydrate breakdown, B12 and K2 deficiencies, levels of hydrochloric acid (HCI) in the stomach, and upper digestion transit time.

For RBTI testing, pH is measured on a scale of 5.5 to 8.0. 7.0 is considered neutral so everything below 7.0 is acidic and everything above 7.0 is alkaline. Both pH numbers should be slightly acidic at 6.4. This brings the body into homeostasis, which is the state of optimal functioning. Cancer and other diseases cannot exist when the body is in homeostasis.

When the pH numbers are too acidic, the digestive system is moving too fast and food is not being properly broken down and used for nourishment. Therefore, the body is malnourished. With the system moving too fast, it can lead to indigestion, heartburn, colitis, IBS, Crohn's, and lower abdominal pain.

When the pH numbers are too alkaline, everything is moving too slow and can result in constipation. This causes the body to begin to reabsorb the toxins it was trying to eliminate. It also creates an environment for parasites, yeast, and bacteria to grow out of control. Females will often have heavier periods and more cramping due to toxins being reabsorbed and deposited into the uterus.

If the numbers are different between the upper and lower digestion, then they are moving at different speeds. The larger the difference in numbers, the more energy is lost, the less nutrients are being digested, absorbed, or used by the body.


The salts reading shows the combined tissue salts being thrown off by the body through the urine. This number shows cardiac integrity, arterial elasticity, venous integrity and strength, cholesterol build up, etc.

Salts indicate the osmotic pressure and fluid balance in the body. There are 3 main types of salts found in the body, chloride, non-chloride, and undigested proteins. The higher the salts reading, the greater the conductivity in the body.

It is best to keep the salts reading between 6-7C. In chemistry, conductivity means the ability to transmit heat, electricity, or sound. Too much conductivity (too much salt) and the body becomes deionized. This crystallizes organic and inorganic salts in the arteries causing atherosclerosis and heart valve problems. It can also cause crystallization in the intestines leading to diverticulitis, in the joints causing arthritis, in the veins causing varicose veins, etc. Too little conductivity (too little salt) and it will not pick up the minerals leading to mineral deficiencies in the body.


Albumin, also known as cell debris, gives a visual representation of cell turnover in the body. This number gives information about immune system function and the body's stress level.

The urine is observed for clumps of cells floating in the urine. The body will not repair damaged or dead cells so eliminating them from the body is necessary. As the body begins to heal, it will throw off a good bit of cell debris. This lets us know the body is responding to changes. A person with perfect numbers would have very little cell debris because their body is functioning optimally.

This is usually that last number to come into the perfect range when the body is healing.

Ureas (Nitrate Nitrogen/Ammonia Nitrogen)=3/3

Total ureas represent the total amount of unutilized protein that is being handled by the liver and sent to the kidneys for elimination. These numbers also represent how much energy is being lost from the body. Ideally, these numbers should be 3/3 or, when totaled, 6. But, when you're in a healing range, these numbers are expected to be higher.

The top number, nitrate nitrogen, represents liver function, the right side of the body, and the left side of the brain. It shows metabolism of protein into the body and how well the body is using food protein.

The bottom number, ammonia nitrogen, represents kidney function, the left side of the body, and the right side of the brain. It shows the metabolism of protein being processed by the breakdown of body tissue and how well the kidneys are getting rid of toxins.

Urea comes from 2 different sources in our system, salt and carcinoma cells. Carcinoma cells are not dangerous. High urea in salt form makes the heart beat too hard. When urea, which is normally easily excreted through the kidneys, stays in the body too long, it becomes uric acid. Uric acid can build up in the body and cause the blood to become thick. This causes problems with the heart because it is stressed from trying to pump thick blood. High urea salts also decrease the body's ability to bring nutrients to organs and remove waste from cells.

As you can see, RBTI testing gives a wealth of information about the body's chemistry. Knowing which minerals and vitamins your body needs can restore your health and save you money. No more guessing about which supplement to buy and if it's really what you need. If you're interested in testing, message me. If you're local to me, I can come to you. If you're far away, I have a solution for that, too.


  1. Home. International Ag Labs. (n.d.).

  2. Krishna, R. (2019, September 30). This post incorrectly claims everyone with cancer has a ph that is too acidic. Full Fact.

  3. Reams, C. A. (1978). Choose! life or death: The reams biological theory of ionization. New Leaf Press.

  4. Ameling, J. (n.d.). pH Balancing with RBTI Introduction. Retrieved from


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