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Nourished, Refreshed, Renewed

In the world of natural health, we know we are three parts: physical, emotional, and spiritual. The Bible clearly outlines this, too. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NKJV) says:

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this high tech world we live in, there aren't many devices that don't require recharging. Cell phones, ear buds, computers, even cars need to be plugged in to have their life renewed. How much more do we need to be recharged and renewed? We are constantly giving out our energy to work, to raising kids, to our spouses, to our families, to our friends, to just managing our lives. We have to take the time to care for ourselves, body, soul and spirit.

Our bodies are nourished by eating real food and leaving processed food on the grocery store shelves. They are made healthier by exercise, sleep, stress reduction, and proper elimination as well.

Our souls are refreshed by doing things we enjoy. Our soul is the seat of our emotions. Throughout Psalms, the soul:

  • hates (Psalm 11:5, 107:18)

  • feels troubled (Psalm 6:3)

  • is joyful (Psalm 35:9)

  • is sorrowful (Psalm 35:12)

  • is discouraged (Psalm 42:11, 43:5)

  • can be comforted (Psalm 77:2)

  • can be calmed and quieted (Psalm 131:2)

  • longs for (Psalm 84:2, 107:9, 119:20, 143:6)

  • rejoices (Psalm 86:4)

  • delights (Psalm 94:19)

Spending time doing things that make you feel refreshed, renewed, relaxed, and happy is vitally important to your emotional health. We are reenergized by doing things that rebuild our energy, things that pour into us. Whatever your renewing activity is, do it and do it often.

Our spirits are renewed by going straight to the power source, Jesus.

“Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 (AMP)

For many years, I prayed and read my Bible everyday. I did it because I was supposed to do it. I did it because I felt guilty if I didn't do it. I know now that I spend time with the Lord for MY benefit, not His. He doesn't need anything from me or you. Instead, He ministers to us when we make the effort to be with Him. Spending five minutes with Jesus can bring more peace than a week in a relaxation spa.

Bible Gateway. (n.d.). Retrieved October 08, 2020, from


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