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Iodine is one of eight essential trace minerals. It's called essential because our body doesn't make it. We have to get it from the foods we eat. Iodine is an essential part of the thyroid horomones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothryonine (T3), which are used by the body to regulate many important biochemical reactions. Think "hormones." Iodine is a must for balance.

Iodine is considered the "anchor" mineral. It is needed by the body for all other minerals to be absorbed.


  • Good metabolism

  • Proper thyroid function

  • Physical and mental development

  • Prevents goiter

  • Aids the brain and spinal nerves

  • Aids blood vessels

  • Gives proper sexual potency

  • May help with fibrocystic breasts

Signs of Deficiency

  • Nervous tension

  • Trouble maintaining proper weight

  • Lack of endurance

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Lowered mental function

  • Unhealthy hair, nails, skin, and teeth

  • Depression

  • Suicidal tendencies

  • Mental retardation in children

  • Linked to breast cancer

Signs of Toxicity

  • Metallic taste

  • Sores in mouth

  • Swollen salivary glands

  • Diarrhea and vomiting

Food Sources

  • Asparagus

  • Cheese

  • Cows milk

  • Dulse

  • Eggs

  • Garlic

  • Ice cream

  • Lima beans

  • Mushrooms

  • Salt-Celtic or Pink Himalayan

  • Saltwater fish

  • Sesame seeds

  • Seaweed/Kelp

  • Shellfish

  • Summer squash

  • Yogurt


Certain foods can block the absorption of iodine if eaten in large amounts. This includes Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, peaches, pears, spinach (also a source of iodine), and turnips.

Herbal Sources

  • Kelp

  • Irish moss

  • Black walnut

  • Dulse


  1. Hovis, B. S., ND, MH, CCII. (n.d.). Nutrition-Vitamins & Minerals. Retrieved March 15, 2021, from

  2. Office of dietary supplements - iodine. (n.d.). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from

  3. Iodine deficiency. (n.d.). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from


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