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Agrimony Flower Essence

Agrimony is a yellow flower from the Rosaceae family. As an herbal, agrimony has been shown to ease menstrual problems, help with digestion, aid in diabetes management, improve respiratory and skin health, strengthen nails and hair, and detoxify the body. It even has anti-cancer potential.

As a flower essence, Agrimony is used for the root of imbalance "Over-Sensitive to Influences and Ideas." It can bring balance to those who mask their mental pain with humor.

Out-of-Balance Indications

Hides mental torture behind a happy face and humor

  • Troubled, turbulent state of mind, tormented, worried

  • Restless when alone or at night

  • Cannot see the truth

  • Minimize problems and shift focus

  • Hides their true feelings behind humor, class clown

  • Seeks excitement, even if the consequences can be dangerous

  • Under stress, may turn to drugs and alcohol to dull the mental pain

  • Doesn't like to be alone, seeks companionship as a distraction

Positive Potentials

  • Genuinely happy and carefree; truly self-accepting and joyful

  • Loves peace and acts as a peacemaker; upset by arguments

  • An optimist

  • Able to laugh at his own troubles

  • Able to openly share his problems

  • Takes all problems in stride with proper perspective

To schedule a Flower Essence Consultation, call or message me. All flower essences are FREE and included in the cost of the consultation.


  1. Bach, E. (2005). The essential writings of dr Edward Bach: The twelve healers and other remedies & heal thyself. Vermillion.

  2. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Agrimony. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from

  3. W., H. J. T. (2005). Dictionary of the bach flower remedies. Ebury Press.


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